I received a cool box with the four different sugar free flavors: Classic Caramel, Cinnamon Caramel, Caramel Apple, and Caramel Coffee. I also received a nice looking candy jar. It was small, plastic, with their logo on the side, but cute with the lid. The candies were kind of sparkly inside when the light hit it just right.
Everything was looked over and admired. Then it was time to try some candies. Of course my kids helped me sample. Every flavor was tried at least once.
Classic Caramel - smooth and simple
Cinnamon Caramel - like a red hot with the smooth taste of caramel to calm it down
Caramel Apple - reminds me of those green apple suckers with caramel on top that I used to get
Caramel Coffee - We're not coffee drinkers here, but this one was a hit with me and my 11 year old. Not overpowering.
I shared all of the flavors with coworkers the next day. Everyone seemed to love them. These caramels don't have a sugar free taste, but they also don't have an overwhelming sweet taste either. Smooth is a good adjective for the Wether's sugar free caramels.
Now the negative. Since they are sugar free, they need to get their sweetness from somewhere. Isomalt. Sugar alcohol. Now the body doesn't see this in the same way of regular sugar, so (for me) it didn't cause a blood sugar spike after three pieces of candy in a row. However it's good that I stopped at those three pieces. You see, for some, sugar alcohols can have some nasty intestinal side effects. I don't know how else to say it but straight out. For some, diarrhea and other tummy upsets can occur. Luck for me, all I got was a tummy ache.
Yes, we continued to sample and share these yummy candies, passing out coupons, too. But we made sure to let people know about the sugar alcohols and not to eat too many at once. Moderation, my friend!
Mr. Hope admiring the Werther's sugar free candies
Disclaimer: I was contacted by a representative of Werther's through my blog. The candy and candy dish were sent to me free of charge in hopes that I would share on this blog my honest opinion. All of the opinions are my own.
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