Saying life as a mom of five is busy... well, that would be an understatement. Summer doesn't seem to slow things down much. Summer camps, mission trip, swimming lessons, part time job, craft business, driver's ed hours, etc. On top of that I'm looking into starting graduate school this fall. How do I find time for *me*?
It's not always easy. I've learned to love the term "pockets of time." As I type, hubby and #4 are in the kitchen making dinner. I'm letting them have the time together while I sneak into my room, using the Blogger app on my phone. It's not the easiest way to type, but it's peaceful.
Finding time here and there for reading or blogging has gotten easier as the kids have gotten older. From my lack of recent blog posts, I guess I've done more reading than blogging. Blame my new Kindle Fire for the renewed reading addiction.
I still need to work on finding time for exercise. Yard work, housework, and running kids around have been most of my "exercise". I did mow the front yard this week. It's a job I rarely do, but I wanted some exercise and it sounded good at the time. Unfortunately we're now experiencing a heat wave which limits my time outside. Going to the Y is difficult with the kids' schedules. Ok, I am realizing that I'm good at excuses.
Is there anyone out there who would like to join me, taking advantage of those pockets of time, and stepping up the exercise routine or even starting one? Comment below. All comments need approval, so let me know if you want your comment to remain private.
It's not always easy. I've learned to love the term "pockets of time." As I type, hubby and #4 are in the kitchen making dinner. I'm letting them have the time together while I sneak into my room, using the Blogger app on my phone. It's not the easiest way to type, but it's peaceful.
Finding time here and there for reading or blogging has gotten easier as the kids have gotten older. From my lack of recent blog posts, I guess I've done more reading than blogging. Blame my new Kindle Fire for the renewed reading addiction.

Is there anyone out there who would like to join me, taking advantage of those pockets of time, and stepping up the exercise routine or even starting one? Comment below. All comments need approval, so let me know if you want your comment to remain private.