I did major in elementary education and graduated. Hubby and I got married before I had completed my student teaching, which I did shortly after we were married. Our oldest child was born two months later. That's when my career plans took a drastic change. I decided to be a stay-at-home mom.
Well, fast forward 17 years. Our fifth child started kindergarten and I started my time as a substitute teacher. Those years and motherhood helped to build up my confidence. I went from the student teacher who needed to work on classroom management to the substitute that was requested based on being "a strong sub." Last year I was hired as a program assistant (aka teacher's aide or paraprofessional) doing reading intervention and helping with sixth grade choir.
Recently, I interviewed for a second grade teacher position in a neighboring district. A job I wasn't sure about because of the half hour drive through the country. However, getting to know those on the interview committee got me excited about the prospect. I was offered the position which I started this week.
I am following my dream!
My parents sent me flowers and my brother sent me dry erase markers as well as self-inking teacher stamps. Their acts of support and encouragement meant more to me than I can describe here.
The class is wonderful. A great group of students! The teacher I'm replacing is moving into another position within the school, so we were able to work together to gradually transition the class. The other teachers have been extremely friendly and helpful. The drive has been a great time for reflection and decompression.
My children are excited for me and proud of their mother. Hubby is extremely supportive. I love my job! That is the dream!