Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Totally amazing video
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Happy Memorial Day!
What *is* Memorial Day? Little one, it's a day to say "thank you" to the men and women who gave their lives so you can play freely in the back yard. It's a day to say "thank you" so that your teenage sister can form her own opinions of our government without fear. It's a day to say "thank you" so that your parents can raise you in safety. It's a day to say "thank you" while we pray for others that don't have the freedom or protection that we take for granted all too often.
Thank you not only to the men and women who have served our country and have lost their lives, but for their families who also sacrifice every day. God bless you all!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday thoughts
Today I got the ultimate compliment. I was subbing for two classrooms while they took turns with meetings (one classroom in the morning, the other in the afternoon). When they saw me come into the school and start walking toward their classrooms, their eyes lit up and they were smiling wide. Both teachers shared with me how excited they were to see me. My eyes welled up with tears. One of the aides came in and said the same thing. They have no idea how much their words meant to me! It's one thing to get that type of compliment from a student. To get such kind words from two veteran teachers whom I respect greatly... words just can't express how I feel!
Summer vacation starts very soon. As much as I will enjoy some downtime with my own children, I will also miss the students that I have worked with this year. I'm sure I'll see them around town, though. Looking forward to what the future holds.
Monday, May 23, 2011
A new phase in my life
At the ceremony, I ran into my friend D whose daughter was also graduating. D and I met on their first day of kindergarten. We had both just left our children in their classrooms and were outside crying. The principal was there, comforting the two of us, remembering how hard it is for young mothers to leave their first child at school for the first time. D and I became good friends. After dropping the kids off at school, we would call each other and talk for a long time. For a while, I was her co-leader for our Girl Scout troop. We watch each other's babies as they went through adolescence and into the teenage years. On Saturday, we watched them graduate high school.
What's next? Well, like many high school graduates, my oldest is looking forward to college in the fall. Hopefully she'll be able to find a summer job soon. In the mean time, there's a family vacation that she is helping plan. We don't know if she'll be home these next few summers or if she'll be busy with work, school, etc., so we want to make sure to have some time together.
It won't be long before they start to leave the nest for good. I keep reminding myself that the goal is to raise our children into adults that can move out on their own and be productive members of society. Yes, it makes me sad, but more than that they make me proud.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
What I've learned
What have you learned from other blogs - either this week or since finding the D-OC? What has your experience of blogging the DBlog Week topics with other participants been like? What has finding the D-OC done for you? If you'd like, you can even look ahead and tell us what you think the future holds!
Wow! I can't even begin! I have learned so much from the DOC (diabetes online community). More than I could even imagine. The DOC has helped me learn more about diabetes. Not just Type 2, but also Type 1. I've learned about treatment methods, even those I don't need to worry about at this point. (But I listen up, because I never know when that will change.) I love being part of the DOC and getting to know everyone on a personal level. I've learned to be an advocate. I've learned to fight and not just accept my diabetes. I've learned that I don't have to be perfect.
Blogging with others in the DOC is like a family reunion. We all get together and talk about what's happening in our lives. We are there for each other. We laugh. We cry. We lift each other up. I've enjoyed being a part of D-Blog Week knowing that there are others who are talking about the same thing, though not in the same way. It's fun to read how others run with the topics. Having the daily topics has given me motivation this week to get to my blog every day. This is a busy month, so I would have been tempted to ignore the blog this week.
What do I see for the future? I'm assuming this relates to the DOC. I'd like to become more involved. I have enjoyed reading the blogs that I hadn't seen before and look forward to reading more posts. I feel the DOC will grow and become closer knit. I'm hoping that some day I'll get to meet others in the DOC.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturday snapshots
Today we were to post diabetes-related pictures. This is one of my favorites. It's my youngest at five years old, serving me a carb-free meal. As she served it to me, she described everything saying it had no carbs in it. Very touching indeed!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Awesome things
Focus on the good things diabetes has brought us. What awesome thing have you (or your child) done BECAUSE of diabetes?
At the end of my previous post, I mentioned my youngest child and her wish for a cure. She touched my heart with her words. My youngest two have signed up to join me for the ADA's Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes this fall. Diabetes has given me a cause, a place to reach out and become an advocate. I've never felt strongly about a cause until now. This is my passion. This is my calling. My children also want to help find a cure, each at their own level.
Having diabetes has given me a mission to educate others. Just today, while substitute teaching in a fourth grade class, the topic of whether or not they read nutrition labels came up. It was a natural lead in to why I have to pay close attention to carbs, what carbs are, and how my type of diabetes is different to Nick Jonas.
Diabetes has also allowed me to meet some amazing people, in person and online, that I otherwise would not have met. Some day we'll no longer be the DOC - Diabetes Online Community, but the DOC - Dynamic Online Community!
Ten things I hate about you, Diabetes
Yesterday's assignment, posted today because Blogger was having technical difficulties: Having a positive attitude is important . . . but let’s face it, diabetes isn’t all sunshine and roses (or glitter and unicorns, for that matter). So today let’s vent by listing ten things about diabetes that we hate. Make them funny, make them sarcastic, make them serious, make them anything you want them to be!!
I usually don't use the word hate, but for a disease like diabetes it does seem fitting. My list of the ten things I hate about diabetes:
- Poking my fingers. Usually it doesn't hurt too bad, but other times it just plain smarts. Also, sometimes it takes a while to stop the bleeding.
- My children knowing about diabetes. They shouldn't have to know about the complications of diabetes, what different glucose readings mean. They don't need that worry.
- Watching what I eat. I want to eat a package of Girl Scout cookies without that sick feeling that comes with high glucose. (No, I haven't done this since being diagnosed, though I do get that high sugar feel that I can't stand.)
- Lows. When I work out, I can get a sudden low due to my body actually using the insulin to break down the glucose in my blood. Lows suck!
- Not looking sick. Not that I want to be sick, but having a chronic disease where you don't look sick makes it hard for others to understand how serious your condition really is.
- Heredity. Sometimes it's awesome, like the hazel eyes I got from my parents or the blue eyes my second child got from her father. Other times, like diabetes, it just plain sucks.
- Sweats. I don't like the sweats I get when my glucose is off.
- Hypoglycemic unawareness. I can't always tell when I'm going low. I've had a few lows sneak up on me and it scares me.
- Not knowing if I'm high or low, just that I'm "off." There are times I can tell that my glucose levels are "off," but I'm not sure if I'm high or low since many of the symptoms are similar. Testing is the only way to know (see #1).
- Lack of urgency and public outrage. (see here for my rant on that topic)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Diabetes bloopers
Today's assignment is to write about diabetes bloopers. When managing any medical condition, things will go wrong. Some are funny at the time, some are funny later. (Of course some aren't funny, but we'll play ignorant for just a little while here.)
I don't have really too many "bloopers" per se when it comes to my diabetes. I do have a few things that I like to chuckle about though. For example, I like to joke that when I tell my family that I'm over 200, I'm not talking about my weight.
One story that comes to mind was from a summer when I took a power walking class. It was a small intimate group. We spent the class time one different routes around town. We'd talk about 2.5-3.5 miles around different parts of town. Before the walk, I would always test my glucose level. This particular walk I started at 135, so I decided I didn't need a snack before we began. I felt great and was ready to go. A little over half way through, I started having trouble keeping up with the group. My mind was sharp, I felt great, but my legs just would not move. I had no idea what was wrong. The group leader came back by me and kept encouraging me to keep going. The group was cheering me on. At the end of the walk, I found out what was wrong. I was in the upper 60s or low 70s and shaking.
I sat down and started eating the snack that I was carrying with me. Why it didn't dawn on me to eat it during the walk, I don't know. Denial? While I was eating my snack, my cell phone rang. Apparently my middle child had accidentally slammed her finger in the back door when letting in the dogs. I had not yet recovered from my low, but got up and made the walk home while continuing to eat my snack. Adrenalin had taken over in the boost of my energy level.
At the time I was worried, but not I find the humor in the situation. Diabetes can't stop me from doing the things I need to do!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Letter writing day
Today's "assignment" is to write to our disease, our equipment, our medical team, whomever/whatever related to diabetes. Today my husband got some much deserved recognition at work. I am so proud of him, and so I write my letter to my husband.
Dear wonderful Hubby,
Do you remember the words to Bette Midler's song, "Wind Beneath My Wings"? This song says so much about our personalities and your support of me, not only with my fight against diabetes but life in general.
It must have been cold there in my shadow,Yes, I'm the social one and you're the quiet one in the corner taking in everything. You watch me in my excitement and enthusiasm. You're right there behind me, supporting me all the way. You're right there behind me, ready to catch me if I fall.
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way.
You always walked a step behind.
So I was the one with all the glory,Your strength amazes me. I wish I could be half as strong as you! You have a heart of gold. You are so beautiful to me, not worrying about others knowing who you are. You don't feel the need to be in the limelight. Whenever I doubt myself, you encourage me to follow my heart. You are the one who has given me the encouragement I needed to become part of the diabetes online community (DOC) where I have found fellowship with other PWDs (people with diabetes).
while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name for so long.
A beautiful smile to hide the pain.
Did you ever know that you're my hero,Dear, you are my hero. Your talents amaze me. Thanks to you I have the strength I need to discover who I am and to follow my heart. It is because of you that I was able to be the stay-at-home-mom to our five wonderful children that God blessed us with over the years. It's because of you that I find joy in my role as a substitute teacher. It is with your encouragement that I have found the path I am to follow at this point of my life.
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
It might have appeared to go unnoticed,All too often I forget to tell you how much your love and encouragement mean to me. Yes, my parents gave me a wonderful start. They lead me through childhood and into the beginning stages of adulthood. However, I needed someone who could continue to be nurturing as I journeyed from young adulthood into *gulp* middle age. Without you, I don't think I would have the self-confidence to be the woman I am today.
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?I thank God for you every day. You are a provider and protector for your family. You are my best friend, the person I want most to grow old with, the person I can't imagine being without, the person who holds my heart. It's with your encouragement that I started taking better care of myself even before being diagnosed with diabetes. You're there when I want to scream and cry. You're there to cheer with me when I have good lab results. You're the one who encourages me to become an advocate instead of just sitting down and letting things fall where they may. I love you with all of my heart!
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,
so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.
Loving you now, always, and forever,
Monday, May 9, 2011
Admiring our differences
When I was first diagnosed with gestational diabetes in early 1993, the internet was unknown to most of us. Yes, some knew about newsgroups and the like, but the internet as we know it now was in its infancy. By the time I was carrying my second child three years later, the ADA has started growing its website and sharing information electronically.
Three years ago, when I was diagnosed with Type 2, I knew that I could find support via the internet. The amount if information is almost overwhelming. Type 1. Type 2. LADA. Gestational. It's all there!
Most of the DOCs (diabetes online community) that I've "met" are Type 1. I couldn't even imagine. Our day to day struggles are so different... or are they. Type 1s and Type 2s might have a different type of diabetes but we have so much in common.
We all have to watch our carbs. We all need to exercise. We all have to watch our glucose levels. We all fear the sane complications. We all pray for a cure!
Our differences? I don't have to inject insulin. My body makes plenty of that, but doesn't want to use it. Other Type 2s take oral medication. Me? Diet and exercise. Am I ever jealous of those who can bolus for a slice of chocolate cake? I have to admit, yes a little. However, I know I'd rather take a walk to combat the sugar high.
Even though we're different in our type and management, I am blessed by the many people in the DOC that I can call family. We're all in this together.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Why isn't there public outrage?
According to the International Diabetes Federation, "There are currently over 300 million of people living with diabetes around the world. If nothing is done, this figure will rise to 500 million within a generation." The above video shares some words from the President of the International Diabetes Federation, Jean Claude Mbanya. At the one minute mark, he says, "Yet there is no sense of urgency or public outrage" about the above statistic.
More people will die from diabetes than AIDS or breast cancer combined. Scary, isn't it? Yet we see sympathy for those with AIDS. Public outcry for those with breast cancer. Diabetics? Oh, they did it to themselves. They get no sympathy. They pretty much deserve it for being a bunch of lazy, couch potato, over-eaters. WRONG!
No, I'm not trying to take away from the urgency to find a cure for AIDS or cancer. A family friend died from AIDS. My father had prostate cancer. A friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer. What I'm asking for is understanding that finding a cure for diabetes is just as important as finding a cure for AIDS or cancer.
Please understand that there should be a sense of urgency and public outrage. One of three children will wind up with diabetes in their life if something isn't done now. Due to genetics, the odds for my children are much higher.
How can you help? Educate yourself. Learn the risks for Type 2 diabetes. Understand that it's not just a disease that affects older overweight adults. Children and young adults are also getting diagnosed, even at healthy weights and lifestyles. Learn the difference (and similarities) between Type 1 and Type 2. Learn about the complications that we fear every day.
Then help support organizations that are working toward a cure. You already know that I'm doing the American Diabetes Association's walk, Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. Sponsor me, join my team, or create your own team and join a walk close to you.
One last thing. Pray. Pray for a cure. Pray for those with diabetes that they will remain complication free. Pray for those who are not so lucky. Pray for their families and friends as they support someone they love with a chronic incurable disease (our Type Awesome). Pray for those with diabetes who have not yet been diagnosed. Pray for those who cannot afford their supplies - testing supplies, medication, insulin, syringes, etc. And pray for those yet to develop diabetes, that we can find a cure before their lives are forever changed.
Monday, May 2, 2011
What I learned at today's trumpet lesson
My #2 plays the trumpet. She has a weekly lesson with an excellent instructor. During her lesson, I'm usually sitting on the couch behind them. It's amazing what I have learned during these lessons.
* Start with a breath attack. Air first before sound.
* After working for a while, take a break, get a drink of water, and get back at it.
* You're going to be good! (Said when sounding discouraged)
* Slurring takes work.
* Take it one piece at a time.
* Keep going!
How do these lessons carry over into the diabetes world?
* Take a breath and make you (advocate) voice heard.
* While exercising, take a break and a drink, but then get back at it.
* It's easier to be good at controlling your diabetes if you believe it.
* Some parts of diabetes management might be harder than others.
* Take it one week, one day, one meal, one moment at a time.
* Keep going!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Blogger app
I just found a Blogger app. WOOT! Now I can post here even when I don't have access to a computer. Can you tell I'm excited? Now to see how it looks on a computer. Added a picture from my phone to test that part out, too.