(Day #5 of D-Blog Week.)
Focus on the good things diabetes has brought us. What awesome thing have you (or your child) done BECAUSE of diabetes?
At the end of my previous post, I mentioned my youngest child and her wish for a cure. She touched my heart with her words. My youngest two have signed up to join me for the ADA's Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes this fall. Diabetes has given me a cause, a place to reach out and become an advocate. I've never felt strongly about a cause until now. This is my passion. This is my calling. My children also want to help find a cure, each at their own level.
Having diabetes has given me a mission to educate others. Just today, while substitute teaching in a fourth grade class, the topic of whether or not they read nutrition labels came up. It was a natural lead in to why I have to pay close attention to carbs, what carbs are, and how my type of diabetes is different to Nick Jonas.
Diabetes has also allowed me to meet some amazing people, in person and online, that I otherwise would not have met. Some day we'll no longer be the DOC - Diabetes Online Community, but the DOC - Dynamic Online Community!
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