Wednesday, November 30, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 30
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Yet another trip to the denist (vlog)
30 Days of Thankful - Day 29

Monday, November 28, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 28
Today I am thankful for the teachers and program assistants that I work with and sub for. They are amazing people who make subbing such an awesome experience.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 26
Most of all, I am thankful for LIFE! Thank you, God, for granting me the opportunity to be part of your wonderful creation!
Friday, November 25, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 25
Thursday, November 24, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 24
I'm also thankful for my spare meter since I found the screen on my regular meter, umm, had issues. Someday I'll be thankful for a cure!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 23
Today I am thankful for family - those I see on a regular basis, those traveling to see us, and those far away.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 22
Monday, November 21, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 21
Sunday, November 20, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 20
Today I'm thankful for memories. Of events past. Of people who have touched my life. Of pets that have not only been companions, but keepers of secrets. Yes, some memories are better kept in the past, but there are so many I want to share with my children. Some day, God willing, my grandchildren.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 19
I am thankful for my five great kids. They may not always do what they're told. They may like to argue. They may make a mess that isn't always cleaned up. However they bring us so much joy. I couldn't imagine my life without them!
Friday, November 18, 2011
30 Days if Thankful - Day 18
I am thankful for a great husband who takes care of me when I'm not feeling well.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Pizza is a vegetable???
I'm coming down with a cold and plan to go to bed in just a few minutes, so I can't fully articulate how absurd I think it is that a frozen food company is dictating to Congress the definition of a vegetable - and that Congress is agreeing that it's a PIZZA!

However, we all know that society has already convinced our children that this type of pizza is to be avoided, if not feared. Children learn at an early age from society that the only vegetable they are to like is the ketchup they dip their fries in or the sauce that is between the bread and cheese on their pizza.
Now I will admit that I'm ok with pizza in general. As a matter of fact, my family had pizza for dinner this evening. (Talk about irony!)
However, I don't serve pizza to my children and say, "Here, kids! Eat your veggies!"
30 Days of Thankful - Day 17
Music has become such a part of their lives that my oldest is currently a music major in college and my second one is considering it.
I am thankful for the men and women in their lives who have helped develop that musical joy and passion.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 16
I am thankful for the opportunity to work as a substitute teacher. I love it!
(A picture of me on World Diabetes Day 2011 at one of my sub assignments.)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 15
My triglycerides are high, actually higher than last time, but that's something I
Monday, November 14, 2011
World Diabetes Day!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, I wore blue (of course). A blue button up blouse. I actually was able to sneak in this special day with two classes I substitute taught today. One of their spelling words was "illuminate." As an example I told them how buildings all over the world were illuminated blue in honor of World Diabetes Day.
When I went to the Y this afternoon, I changed into a blue t-shirt and blue jeans. Thankfully the blue made me feel festive, not the sad type of blue. My younger two also wore blue today. I think everyone else had some blue on, just not as obvious as a blue shirt. That's ok. Their emotional support is more important to me than the color of their clothing.
Happy World Diabetes Day to all! May we someday be able to turn this day into a holiday to remember when we used to have diabetes! Praying for a cure today and always!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 13
Saturday, November 12, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 12
Today I am thankful for my warm bed. It been a good day and I'm looking forward to snuggling up under the covers with my cat at my feet and my husband at my side.
Friday, November 11, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 11
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Don't Stop Believing
Every day I pray for a cure. There are days when I am so frustrated. Sometimes to the point of wanting to throw up my hands in surrender. Diabetes is an invisible disease where society tends to blame the patient. "You ate too much sugar." "You're just fat." "If you'd exercise, you wouldn't have this problem."
However I still have faith that we will find a cure. I have to believe. If I stop believing, I'll lose my momentum to keep myself healthy. Hope for a cure keeps me on the patient advocacy path. It is my purpose.
This cartoon has been going around Facebook and inspired me today. Don't stop believing... in a cure!
30 Days of Thankful - Day 10
Today I am thankful for the men and women who gave their lives so I can live free.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 8
Even though I don't like being cold and wet, I am thankful for the rain we've had.
Monday, November 7, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 7
I am thankful for my comfy (and warm) bed. I'm also thankful for a roof over our heads to keep us dry.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 6

I am thankful for the opportunity to work with the children in our congregation. This summer that extended to the children in our community through my work as director of our Vacation Bible School program. What a wonderful opportunity! The children bless my life!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 5
Today I am thankful that we are able to buy food for our family to eat. Sometimes we need to stretch the budget, but our children have never truly known hunger. Thank you, God!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Are you wearing blue?
Also, don't forget about the Big Blue Test! Need more information? Check out this video which will tell you more about the program and how it benefits several charities to help people who can't afford supplies and medications. You don't have to have diabetes to help!
I will wear blue to raise awareness and dissolve stereotypes. Wear blue!
30 Days of Thankful - Day 4
Thursday, November 3, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 3
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Do the Big Blue Test: Help Yourself, Help Others
"The Big Blue Test takes place every November leading up to World Diabetes Day on Nov. 14. The campaign reinforces the importance of exercise in managing diabetes. People with diabetes are encouraged to do The Big Blue Test any day between November 1 and November 14 at midnight Pacific Time, by testing their blood sugar, getting active, testing again, and sharing the results online at
In 2011, in connection with the number of people that DO The Big Blue Test, a donation from Roche Diabetes Care will benefit more than 8,000 people with diabetes in need. Five nonprofit organizations focused on helping underserved areas with a high incidence of diabetes in the United States will each receive $10,000, while $25,000 will go to support the work in Latin America by the International Diabetes Federation's Life for a Child Programme for a total of $75,000 in Big Blue Test grants to be funded."
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 Days of Thankful - Day 1
On this All Saints Day which is also the first day of Diabetes Awareness Month, I am posting here a blue candle to remember those we have lost to diabetes. May God bless them!