Monday, April 22, 2013

Day to Day (#HAWMC)

Please please please... PRETTY PLEASE...
I still need more guesses for my Misinformation post. Click here to read it and guess!

Today's WEGO prompt: Write about something ordinary that's inspiring to you, something simple, perhaps overlooked, that fuels your activism.

Honestly, this prompt is so easy for me, which is what makes it easily overlooked.  The "ordinary" thing that is "overlooked" that "fuels [my] activism" would be - my family!  More specifically, my children.

My children are my inspiration.  I know that, due to genetics, their chances of developing diabetes is high.  I am not just being an advocate for me and the other PWD (people with diabetes) that I know, but I also feel driven to advocate and educate on behalf of my children.  If I can make a difference now, I hope that I have made a positive impact on their future.

If trends continue as they are, when my children become adults 1 in 3 people will have diabetes.  How much higher are their chances with diabetes on both sides of the family?  I won't play the guilt game with myself. I'm going to concentrate on what I can do.  Advocate and educate.

This fall, I will be attending an ADA Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes.  This is another way I can honor my children, by raising money to help advocate and educate.  Help support those with diabetes.  Help search for a cure!

Please consider making a donation to the walk here.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Adversity (#HAWMC)

Please please please... PRETTY PLEASE...
I still need more guesses for my Misinformation post. Click here to read it and guess!

Today's WEGO prompt: "The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all." -Mulan
True or false?  When do you bloom best?

I feel this statement is very true.  Although I don't like being in such situations, I know that I shine when it's important.

As a college student facing a deadline. As a mother who has 20 minutes available to get groceries to feed her family of seven that evening. As a substitute teacher with a difficult student. As a person with diabetes who is having a hard time coping with the disease or the misinformation of others.

It's during these times that I surprise even myself.  Some of my best papers are written the night before (glad my professors don't know about this blog).  I am actually a more efficient shopper when I have a time limit.  In the three years I've been a substitute teacher, I rarely need to call the office for assistance with a behavioral matter.  During the last five years, I've learned that gestational diabetes was just a warm-up for what I've had to deal with as a person with Type 2 diabetes.

It's through my need for information and support that I found the DOC (diabetes online community).  It's through my need for reading how others with diabetes deal with their own adversity that I started this blog.  It's through this adversity that I've made so many online friends that I hope to someday meet face to face.

I don't enjoy the struggle, but sometimes through the determination I feel to overcome - I bloom!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Diabetes Burnout (#HAWMC)

Please please please... 
I still need more guesses for my Misinformation post. Click here to read it and guess!

Today's WEGO prompt: (There were two prompts)
1- Write about burnout. What does it feel like? What are your burnout triggers?
2- What gets you OUT of the pit of despair when nothing is going your way?

During this month, many of the prompts list two options.  I pick the one that inspires me.  However, for today's prompt, I feel one leads into the other.  I don't feel it's fair to talk about burnout without also talking about what helps me out of it.

I will admit that I fall victim to burnout quite often.  I get tired of watching carbs. I get tired of exercising. I get tired of being "Super Diabetic."  I already play the role of "Super Mom" so wearing two capes weighs me down.

When I experience burnout, I just want to sit around, feeling sorry for myself.  I want to eat as much thick crust pizza as possible without throwing up.  I want an large chocolate shake.  Too often, I pretend like diabetes doesn't exist.  Yes, it scares me when I think what I'm doing sometimes.  For example, I just ate two servings of mashed potatoes for dinner.  Yes, I regret it.  Yes, I'm beating myself up about it!

What can I do about it once it's done though?  What's done is done.  Is there really a point of beating myself up over something I can't undo?  (Well, not without being accused of having an eating disorder.)  All I can do is pull myself up by my bootstraps and move on.

How do I get the motivation to move on?  Sometimes through my family.  My hubby is great and very encouraging. However, often it's nice to talk to someone who has been there.  Quite often I'll lean on members of the DOC (diabetes online community).  Usually I'll post on Facebook or Twitter asking for some support.  Sometimes I'll write on my blog.  Even if no one replies, getting it out helps a lot.  Sometimes I'll go to the Y and walk around the track or walk on the treadmill.  Drinking a glass of water or a Diet Coke also helps (water is always the healthier option!).

The most important part of burnout, regardless of condition or situation, is realizing you're not alone, even if it feels that way.  Everyone goes through burnout.  EVERYONE!  Keeping that in mind, remember that "You can do this!"

Friday, April 19, 2013

Vintage (#HAWMC)

Please... I still need more guesses for my Misinformation post. Click here to read it and guess!

Today's WEGO prompt: Post a vintage photo of yourself, with a caption about the photo and where you were in terms of your health condition.

This is my 8th grade school picture.  At the time, the only thing I knew about diabetes was that my grandfather had it.  He was still alive at the time of this picture.  He had either lost one or both of his legs.  I was blissfully ignorant in my early teens.

Little did I know, a little less than 25 years later, I would find myself diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.  Back then I was a stick.  Probably underweight actually.  Definitely not a kid that doctors would warn about the possibility of diabetes later in life.

Sometimes I envy this young teenager.  I had no idea the struggle that would find me later in life.  Would I want to warn my younger self?  I don't think so.  There was nothing I could have done to change my diagnosis.  Why ruin that sense of innocence?  Overall I'm happy with where my life is right now and wouldn't want to change it.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I take it back... (#HAWMC)

I still need more guesses for my Misinformation post. Click here to read it and guess!

Today's WEGO prompt: Write about a time that someone said something to you that they wished they could take back. Did you forgive them? Why or why not?

Shortly after I was diagnosed, a man that I've known for years responded to my recent diagnosis by saying, "We're watching our weight so we don't get it [diabetes]."  I was stunned and couldn't respond.  Did he just call me fat?  Yes, I admit that I'm a little overweight, but not fat or obese.  Definitely not a weight that would warrant diabetes.  Did he apologize? No, but I don't think he realized that he said anything wrong.  I never let on that he hurt my feelings.

I've forgiven him in my heart and I'm pleasant any time I see him, but I do admit that his comment still stings a little.  I don't think I'll ever tell him.

Although I'm not mad at him about the comment, I remember it not out of bitterness, but to educated others about things not to say.  Even if I was obese, that isn't something to say to someone with diabetes.  It basically blames the person for their condition.  No one did this to him/herself and no one deserves any chronic condition.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Worldless(?) Wednesday (#HAWMC)

I still need more guesses for my Misinformation post. Click here to read it and guess!

Today's WEGO prompt: Go to to create a word cloud or tree from a list of words associated with your condition, blog, or interests. Post it!

Diabetes may be part of my life, but it's not my whole life!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Misinformation (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Tell us three things that are true about you, your condition, or your health activism. Tell us one lie. Will we be able to tell the difference?

Let's see...

  1. I married my high school sweetheart after dating for over six years.
  2. I started to get involved in the DOC (diabetes online community) after searching for more information about diabetes and getting fed up with misinformation.
  3. I plan to some day change career paths and pursue diabetes activism full-time.
  4. There are three main types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and gestational. However there are many other types.
I think I'm going to make you wait until tomorrow for the answer.  Feel free to post your guess in the comments below!

Image found here.

Monday, April 15, 2013

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog post... (#HAWMC)

In light of today's events, I would like to take a break from tonight's scheduled WEGO prompt and post something from the heart.  Thank you, everyone, for your understanding!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Share the Love (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Thank a few of your fellow Health Activists for what they have done. Call them out by name or twitter handle. Share your love.

There are so many wonderful people within the DOC that I don't know if I could just pick a few.  There's Kim at the You Can Do This project, helping people know that diabetes doesn't have to keep you from doing what you love.  There's Cherise, Scott, and George at DSMA (Diabetes Social Media Advocacy), doing their own advocacy but also coming together as an awesome team, leading Twitter chats and online radio shows.  Of course I've mentioned Kerri at Six Until Me several times - my inspiration to blog.

We may not have the same type of diabetes, but that doesn't matter so much.  These people and so many others have inspired me, encouraged me, challenged me.  Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Diabetes Poetry (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Write a health acrostic for your condition, hashtag, or username. (Acrostic = poem where every letter of a word serves as the first letter of a word or phrase i.e. DOG = Digs Others' Gardens)

RFamHere's Diabetes Acrostic

Reason to fight
For family
Members of DOC
Heavy at times
Everyone needs a cure!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Hindsight (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: What have you learned about being a patient/caregiver that has surprised you?

This picture answers the question better than any words I could write:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Diabetes and Technology (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Write about your favorite health iPhone app. OR Write about your favorite social network. Do you love Twitter? Facebook? Pinterest? Why?

This was a hard one for me.  First of all, I'm an Android gal.  So I could write about my favorite Android app..  I also enjoy social networking.  I'm on Facebook every day, Twitter about ever other day, and Pinterest at least once per week.  Should I approach this from the Sue the diabetic side?  Sue the mom of five side?  Sue the grad student side? Or Sue trying to escape for a little while side?

I think I'll touch both questions, touching briefly on any side that applies.

My most used app would definitely be Facebook.  I check it first thing in the morning, just like someone might check their daily paper.  Of course that would also filter over to my favorite social network.  Next in the realm of Android apps, not including email programs and texting, I would probably have to say my favorite health-related app is SparkPeople.  I have it on my Kindle Fire, but not on my phone right now.  I've been a member of that site for several years and really like it.  The app lets me enter in my food and exercise while on the go.  I don't have to try to remember everything until I get home.

Probably the one thing that helps me keep organized is my Google calendar.  I love that I can sync it with my husband's calendar and he can sync mine on his calendar.  This is a godsend for a family with five kids!

Well I guess I'm going to stop writing here.  Today is my birthday.  Although I would like to make it a totally lazy day, I do have two short papers to write.  A friend of mine sent me to following picture of a cake on Facebook.  Oh how I wish it were mine!

You all already know what I'll wish for tonight when I blow out my candles.
A cure!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: It's often hard to like pictures of ourselves - post your favorite picture of yourself.

It's a really goofy picture, 
but it shows me having fun and laughing without care.
That's why I like this picture!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Caregivers (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Patients, what advice or tips do you have for caregivers out there – professional or otherwise!

My "caregivers" would include my Type Awesomes and my primary care physician (PCP).  The main piece of advice I have is: LISTEN!

Don't try to fix me, don't tell me what I'm doing wrong, and, most of all, don't blame me.  Just be there for me.  I can't be fixed.

I know what I'm doing wrong.  Most of all, I don't need to be blamed.

Listen to me.  Let me rant.  Tell me that it's ok to be mad/sad/angry/frustrated.  Give me a hug.  Wipe my tears.  Give me a back rub.  Give me chocolate!

Tell me that you're there for me... NO MATTER WHAT!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Diabetes is a Blue Boy Beta named... HOPE??? (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: If your health condition (or the health condition of a loved one!) was an animal, what would it be? Is it a real animal or make believe?

Yesterday I went to the pet store with my youngest to buy her a replacement beta fish and a new fish for my middle child.  While we were there, I picked out a fish of my own.  I thought it would be nice to have on my desk when my eyes needed change of focus while working on schoolwork.

Of course I got a blue fish.

And I named him Hope (with the encouragement of a mom of a CWD).

So my diabetes is a male beta fish named Hope.

Yes, it's a boy fish with a girl's name.  Get over it.  Who said anything about diabetes makes sense?

For those that are wondering, my doctor said my numb toes are more than likely not a result of diabetes or poor circulation.  Looks like it's probably from how I grip my toes when I walk.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Cure for Diabetes??? (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Say WHAT!? What's the most ridiculous thing you've heard about health or your condition? Where did you hear it and what did you think?

Doing a quick Google search, I easily found the following "cures" for diabetes.

  • cinnamon
  • vinegar
  • herbs
  • bitter melon
  • natural foods
  • baking soda
  • prayer
  • yoga
  • weight loss
If there truly is a cure for diabetes, why don't we hear about it in mainstream media?  Many of those things listed might help prevent/delay Type 2, but they won't prevent it for all (especially Type 1) and definitely won't cure a person once diabetes is diagnosed. 

Many people misinterpret "tight control" with "cure".  My goal is to get my numbers down into the "non-diabetic" range. Would that mean I'm cured? Absolutely not!  Once I'm able to eat a bag of my favorite malted milk balls with the nice thick layer of chocolate without my glucose level going through the roof, then I'll say I'm cured.

Image found on a site claiming that bitter melon helps control blood sugar and increases insulin production.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dear 68 year old me, (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt:  Write a letter to an older you (tell us what age you're writing to!). What do you want to ask yourself? What lesson do you want to make sure you remember?

Dear 68 year old me,

When you read this letter, it will be about 30 years since we were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.  The main thing I want to ask (about diabetes): Have they found a cure yet?  Not just for Type 2, but all types of diabetes.  Just as a person with breast cancer wishes for a cure to all cancers, I also wish for a cure for all types of diabetes.

Please always remember that there are people who care about you.  You're not alone in whatever struggle you're going through.  Just like they say at the end of Veggie Tales, "God made you special, and He loves you very much!"

Don't forget to love yourself!
-The younger you

Image source here.

Friday, April 5, 2013

My experience with gestational diabetes (#dblog)

NOTE: This is my own experience. None of this information should be considered medical advice, even when I discuss treatment plans from my doctor. Each person is different.  Please consult your own physician.

My oldest will be 20 years old in June.  *gulp*  It's been 20 years since I was first diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  I don't know the exact date, but it was about this time of year. I don't talk much about my experiences with gestational diabetes, but yesterday someone from Diabetes Advocates asked me to share my experiences.

36 wks with #5
When I was diagnosed the first time, I was scared.  I was 23 years old (yes, I just told you my current age), and unsure of what this diagnosis really meant.  I had no prior experience with diabetes except knowing that my grandfather lost both of his legs from Type 2 diabetes.  But this was only gestational diabetes.  It couldn't be that bad, could it?

The OB I had for my first pregnancy didn't have the best bedside manner.  After being diagnosed and having glucose readings in the mid-120s two hours after meals (guidelines I was given was under 120), he admitted me in the hospital overnight.  His reason: To make sure I wasn't mis-measuring my food to cause the higher numbers.  So here I was, laying around in a hospital room, watching television, limited area to walk around, and he makes his decision whether or not to put my on insulin based on those 24 hrs.  (It took me a few years to figure out the irony of that situation.)

Needless to say, I wound up on insulin with my first pregnancy after hearing, "If you don't watch your blood sugar, you're going to have a 10 pound baby that will die from under-developed lungs."  Not a possible complication.  No talk about increasing activity or cutting carbs.  Just a scare tactic.  I was afraid that I was going to harm my baby, and my husband was mad.  That baby was born eight days before the due date at 6 lbs 7.75 oz.

My second child was born in a different part of the state with a different doctor.  Once again I failed the one hour and three hour glucose tolerance test (GTT).  This doctor didn't put me on insulin but did say he would not let me go over my due date.  He would do an amnio to check for lung development and induce me if I made it that far.  Thankfully this one was born at exactly 39 weeks, weighing 8 lbs even.

Babies three, four, and five were born at the same hospital as my first (I loved those OB nurses!), but this time I went with our family physician.  By this time I was more educated about gestational diabetes.  The internet was more available and information was easier to come by.  This doctor in a round-about way let me know that he would not prescribe insulin if I was only a little over the guidelines.  He only had my do the one hour test with each child, taking into account my previous history.  I tried to get him to skip the testing altogether, but he needed documentation for insurance.

My doctor understood when I told him I had a bad day and over-ate on pizza for dinner, opting to skip a glucose test that evening.  He was also understanding when I ate pretzels while driving my kids two hours to an appointment, resulting in a reading of 178.  As long as I didn't make it a habit and my overall numbers were good, he wasn't going to chastise me.  Those children were born at the weights of 9 lbs 2 oz, 8 lbs 7 oz, and 9 lbs 6 oz with no side effects from my diabetes except temporary low blood sugar shortly after birth.  Nothing a feeding or two couldn't fix.

My youngest
I've been trying to think about the emotions I went through during my pregnancies and dealing with gestational diabetes.  My youngest is 8.5 years old, so it's hard to remember exact details.  I do remember being more confident with each pregnancy, though still scared.  I searched a parenting message board I used to frequent and found some posts I made during my fifth pregnancy.  It was also my fifth time with gestational diabetes, due and born on October 13, 2004.  (Added comments written in italics.)

When I called the nurse she said she had my glucose tolerance test (GTT) results. "Ok, how bad did I fail?" She started laughing. 223 A new record for me! Last time was in the 180s. So she's sending an order over to the dietitian who will call me for an appt. I was told previously by my ins. to call them when I was diagnosed (I called them a couple mos. ago to get info about "preferred" monitors) and they gave me the number for two companies offering free glucometers. I'm getting a Life Scan One Touch Ultra Smart shipped FedEx 2 day – free! Looks like fun! I called the dr's office and left a msg. for the dr. to have the nurse call in an Rx for lancets and test strips so I'll be all set when I get back into town.

I'm not happy that I am gestational diabetic once again but it's a fact of my life. Why dwell on it and get depressed? If I keep a positive attitude, including my jokes, I can better deal with this. An upside is due to my history and how high my result was, I don't have to go through the 3 hr test.

I started testing my blood sugar a week ago even though I didn't meet with the dietitian until this past Friday. I wanted to start seeing what sets me off. My fasting levels are supposed to be below 95 and two hours after meals should be below 120. Every single one of my fasting levels have been high. Over the last seven days, my average is 111. Only one of my after breakfast levels have been on target and that's because I took the kids for a walk up to the farmer's market. Most of my lunch and dinner levels have been great, averaging 110 and 119. And that's with a dinner that was 162! (Two days before we went to the dietitian we made one last trip to the Chinese buffet. hehe)

My main concern, obviously, is my morning levels. I know that this is an indicator of what is to come. A possible Type 2 diagnosis. I thought maybe I was having my nighttime snack too late. Since I can't have my snack until I test my sugar two hours after a meal, we made sure we ate a little earlier so I could have my snack at 8pm. I was up for another 3.5 hrs, but my fasting was still high this morning! (111)

Tonight I'm going to try cutting out my evening snack and either go for a walk or go on the exercise bike before bed. I also need to make sure I do the same after breakfast, though that's my email/msg board time. Guess I'll have to delay it a little bit until after I get my exercise in. Any other suggestions from anyone with experience with high blood sugar welcome! I want to avoid insulin and going straight from GD to Type 2 if I can. (Edited to add: I was diagnosed March 24, 2008.)

8/10/2004 (someone posted links about cinnamon helping glucose levels)
Wow! Who would have thought cinnamon would help reduce sugar levels. Maybe I'll put some on my toast tomorrow (without the sugar) and see how that goes! (Edited to add: It's amazing what we'll latch onto when we're down.)

My fasting and after breakfast levels are still high. I expressed concern at my appt this afternoon and the dr ordered an A1C test to see how my long term glucose levels have been. He also ordered a CBC since I was complaining about being tired and we wanted to check my iron levels again. Hope to get those results in the morning.

After crying on and off yesterday and a little today at the dr's office, I've decided I'm going to follow my diet and try to get some exercise but if my levels are still high it's not my fault. It's just the way my body is working and resisting the insulin that I'm producing. If I need meds than so be it; I will deal.

My second one (8 yrs) offered to get tonight's dessert and went around asking everyone, including hubby, if they wanted ice cream. But she didn't ask me. Instead she said "I love you, Mommy!" It was so cute! She knew I couldn't have any of their ice cream but didn't want to ignore me. She just came by and asked if I wanted some of my special ice cream (low carb, sweetened with splenda). I have to wait until after I test, but her gesture was so sweet!

My Dr. called Wed. night with my blood test results (I wanted to know if the tiredness I was experiencing was due to high sugar or low iron). Of course he called while I was out of the house. Because of the new privacy laws, all he could say to my hubby was that the results were normal and offered to mail the report, which was fine with me because I wanted a copy anyway.

My A1C (long term glucose test) = 6.2 (normal for my condition - GD) My HGB (iron level) = 11.3 (little low), but considering my previous HGB was 10.9 so my anemia has improved. I'm still working on my daily glucose levels though, especially fasting and after breakfast. Just thought I'd update you. Now I need to update my dietitian since I had talked to her this morning before I got my results.

8/14/2004 (replying to offers of emotional support)
Thanks! It is kind of a pain to have to think before I eat. Not just what but also when. For example, I can't have a mid-morning snack until after I've done my breakfast test two hours after I eat. Overall it's not too bad though. I've seen women with a lot worse. Poking my finger four times a day and taking two iron pills per day is nothing compared to one some mamas go through. Some women aren't even able to have children and this is my 5th. I consider myself blessed!

Well I'm actually about 32 wks 5 days, but we’ll just say 33 wks. I'm making my rounds with the other doctors in the practice. I saw another doctor today. In the last two weeks, I've lost 4 lbs (Edited to add: I started my pregnancy a little overweight. My doctor was ok with me losing weight as long as baby and I were healthy.) and now I'm measuring 35 cm (only 2 cm ahead, was 5 cm ahead for last few appts). Dr. wants to watch my glucose levels but said no call for insulin at this level (fasting average 108, two hrs. after meals in the low to mid 120s). WHEW! He is going to consult with my primary doctor to make sure he feels the same. I'll be going every week now. Start weekly non-stress tests in three weeks (36 wks).

Looking back brings up memories of a mom who was more confident though still scared.  I'm still developing that confidence.  Am I still scared?  You bet!  However, unlike that first time mom-to-be of 20 years ago,  I know that education and support of others is so important.  I don't have to do this on my own, and for that I am thankful.

Spring & Exercise (#dsma)

This month's DSMA blog carnival prompt: Does the sunshine and warmth of Spring urge you to change up your exercise routine? If you don’t have an exercise routine, does it inspire you to start exercising? And if it’s not Spring in your corner of the world, what season are you heading into and how does it impact your fitness routine?

I love this weather!  I love watching everything come alive.  I love watching the grass turn bright green.  I love watching the leaves grow on the trees.  Of course, I also love being outside!  I love going for walks in the neighborhood and hikes in the woods.

I wish I could say I have a regular exercise routine.  I did when I was home full-time.  Once my youngest started school and I started subbing, any chance of a regular exercise routine went out the window.  However I realize I need to get back into a regular routine with watching my carbs and exercise.  So yes, spring is inspiring me to restart.

Last spring, one of our dogs developed a herniated disk.  She also needs to be part of an exercise routine to keep her weight down which will keep her from having issues walking.  Maybe I should consider putting both of us on an exercise plan together.  Since she can't play soccer with the children in the backyard anymore, going for walks in the neighborhood would be a good way to get both of us fresh air and exercise. (Yes, the vet has cleared her for walks; actually encouraged it.)

I'm looking forward to doing more than traditional exercise as the weather warms up.  Hubby and I are making plans for this year's vegetable garden with the kids.  It's amazing how many carbs working in the garden burns off! I've actually had to stop working in the garden and treat lows in the past.  As long as I'm smart about it, I should do fine.

I'll let you know how it goes!

This post is my April entry in the DSMA Blog Carnival.  If you’d like to participate too, you can get all of the information at

Aspiration (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt:  "If I could do anything as a Health Activist..."  Think big today!  Money/time/physical limitations are no longer an issue.  What is your biggest goal that is now possible?

It's honestly hard to decide. There is so much I'd like to do in the realm of advocacy.  I'd like to share with others about my experiences.  I'd like to teach others what Type 2 is all about.  I'd like to debunk all the myths about diabetes (every type).  I'd like to help scientists find a cure.

I'd also like to meet the DOC (diabetes online community). I wouldn't be where I am today without them!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sharing Resources (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt: Create a "care page" - a list of your best resources that someone who is newly diagnosed could go to when starting to advocate for themselves or a loved one.  Remember to include sites that lead to successful self advocacy! 

Below are a list of links I've found. I know some may no longer be active, but their information may be valuable.  If you find any links that no longer work, please let me know. I didn't have time to check them all.

Type 2 Blogs:
Tales of Rachel
Sweet Success
Type 2 Diabetes - A Personal Journey
Living with Diabetes
My Fall From Grace
Wildly Fluctuating
Type 2 Blog
Sugar Free Musings.
Very Old, Very Healthy Diabetic

Type 1 Blogs (because we all learn from each other):
Six Until Me. (the blog that inspired me to blog)
The B.A.D. Blog (Ninjabetic)
Scott's Diabetes
Singlewhitediabetic's Blog
My Diary as the Mom of a Diabetic Princess

Other links of interest:
ADA Adult Type 2 message board
You Did NOT Eat Your Way to Diabetes!
Restaurant Nutrition Facts

I hope to add to this list soon!  If you have any links you'd like me to add, let me know!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Introducing... Diabetes (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt:  Introduce your condition(s) to other Health Activists.  Why are 5 things you want them to know about your condition/your activism?

My name is Sue and I have Type 2 diabetes.  Before being diagnosed, I had already dealt with gestational diabetes with all five pregnancies.

Five things I would like you to know about my Type 2 diabetes*:

  1. I do not have diabetes because of poor diet or because I ate too much sugar.  Yes, I like my sweets and occasional junk food, but overall I have a healthy diet.  If diet was the only cause for Type 2, we'd have a lot more people with diabetes (PWD).
  2. I do not have diabetes because of my weight.  Yes, like a majority of Americans I have a few pounds to lose.  However I am considered slightly overweight, not obese.  I do not look like the stereotypical Type 2.
  3. My blood sugar goes low.  I actually had someone say to me, "How can your blood sugar go low?  I thought diabetes was high blood sugar."  I have Type 2 which is also known as insulin resistance.  My body doesn't like using the insulin in my body to break down the glucose, causing high blood sugar.  However there are times of increased activity, like the quick tidy many of us do when we know someone is coming over and the kids left a mess in the living room, that my body decides to actually use the over supply of insulin to break down the glucose for energy, causing my blood sugar to crash.
  4. I don't have the "good kind" of diabetes.   Yes, I do feel blessed that I don't have to worry about insulin injections and insulin to carb ratios, but Type 2 diabetes is dangerous, too.  My grandfather lost both of his legs compliments of diabetes.  I have two numb toes that may or may not be related to diabetes (I have a doctor appointment coming up to talk about it. Don't worry, Mom!)  I have an increased risk of many other medical conditions. What's "good" about that?
  5. It's not my fault.  It's not my parents' fault.  It is what it is.  There's nothing I did to get Type 2.  I highly doubt I could have done anything to prevent it either.  It is my fault if I let diabetes win without a fight.  I wake up every day determined to do the best I can to take care of myself.  Do I slip? Of course!  I've had days where I've knowingly eaten too many carbs.  I've had days where I've sat in the chair more than I've moved around the room.  Those poor choices aren't what caused my diabetes.  No one will know for sure what caused it.  I assume it's genetics and five pregnancies, but honestly only God knows for certain.

*Please remember YDMV (your diabetes may vary) which is why I said "my" Type 2 diabetes.  What is true for me might not be true for another person with Type 2 and vice versa.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Getting Started (#HAWMC)

Today's WEGO prompt:  Why you write - Tell us a little about why you write about your health online and what got you started.

I started this blog several years ago when someone from the ADA Type 2 message board asked if anyone had a blog.  If so, they wanted to read it.  I had thought of blogging, but didn't know what to blog about.  That post gave me the nudge I needed to start a blog about my life as a person with Type 2 diabetes.  Of course my life is more than diabetes.  My user name on that message board is RFamHere, and I tend to ramble.  RFamHere's Ramblings was born!

After looking around the internet to find inspiration for my blog, it saddened me to see that so few Type 2s blog.  I found plenty of blogs written by people with Type 1 or parents of children with Type 1, but not so many by Type 2s.  I didn't let that discourage me.  I knew that other would be looking as well.  Why not help get things going.  Maybe if I started a blog, others would, too!

Do you blog?  If not, why don't you start?  It doesn't have to be anything fancy.  It doesn't have to be a health issue.  What are you passionate about that you'd like to share?  Parenting, religion, literature, funny pictures you find on the internet?  The joy of blogging is writing about whatever motivates you.