Friday, April 20, 2012

April #DSMA Blog Carnival

This month's DSMA blog carnival prompt: Describe your ideal diabetes “support group”? What would you discuss?

Honestly, my ideal diabetes support group at this point would be *any* local support group. Right now I have absolutely no local support for diabetes. Yes, I have the awesome, amazing DOC. Yes, I have religious support and my parenting support, but no diabetes support. I've heard that there is a diabetes support group that meets on Thursday nights at our local hospital. Unfortunately that conflicts with another support of sorts - my musical support (handbell choir). Bell choir doesn't meet during the summer, but neither does this diabetes group.

What would be my ideal group, if one existed? A group that shared in the ups and downs of diabetes, never telling you that your numbers are "bad", never telling you "You shouldn't eat that!" It would be a loving group that strives at lifting up the other members. A group that you can have on speed dial to call if you needed a pep talk.

It may come down to me starting my own group, if I really want a local group. At this time, the DOC works. ;)

This post is my April entry in the DSMA Blog Carnival.  If you’d like to participate too, you can get all of the information at

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