Today has been a nice lazy day for our family thanks to daylight saving's time. We didn't eat breakfast until nearly 10 am. I made some delicious pancakes with a little cinnamon and vanilla added into the homemade batter. Unfortunately I used regular white flour, not whole grain, and didn't have any protein with the carb-heavy breakfast. An hour later, I was bouncing off the walls and my sugar was 202! Since we ate a late breakfast, hubby and I decided to have a late lunch and think about dinner later.
Of course I was still bouncing around so I decided to take the younger three to a gem, mineral, and fossil show close by (older two and hubby decided to stay home). We had fun and they each came home with a geode that they picked out to have opened right before their eyes. They had a small silent auction table that rotated every half our or so and I bid on three different items. I won one cool rock for just a dollar. The oldest of the three bought herself a homemade glass cross necklace. I bought each of the youngest two a shark tooth necklace.
When we got home, hubby had prepared for us some wonderful corned beef on the grill and some steamed cabbage. Definitely needed after the high carb breakfast. Spent the afternoon watching cooking and travel shows. Then we have to decide what we're going to do about dinner, if anything.
Since we're still pretty full from two late meals, we decide to have a "dinner of snackies." Two kinds of Doritos, grapes, etc. Hmmm... carb, carb, carb... Not good for the mama who has already been over 200 once today. Luckily I don't like Doritos so those are easy to avoid. I decided instead to make a sandwich using Arnold's Sandwich Thins, peanut butter, and Smucker's sugar free peach preserves with a nice tall glass of vanilla Soy Slender. As I type I have a mug of chai tea just about ready to enjoy. In the background I hear someone crunching on chips.
While I st there eating my sandwich while the rest of my family enjoyed their carb filled special treats, I did my best not to let the differences bother me. However some days it just hits you in the face. Yes, we all laughed about how they were all eating this "junk" while Mom had other food. Realizing now that my husband and my children all took notice and made a point to laugh with me about the situation, I know that they care. They care that I have to eat differently. They care that I have to watch my carb intake. They care that I have diabetes. They care! They really care!
oh I could only wish I had energy from too high a number. When my number goes up, its like I ate an entire turkey on thanksgiving (overdosing on whatever that drug is thats in turkey that makes you sleepy) and I absolutely cannot stay awake.