Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know it's already January 3rd, but it's never too late, is it?  The new year is a time for renewal, a fresh start.  I haven't had the best control over my diabetes, but that's in the past.  There's nothing I can do to change what has already been done.  I am back to tracking my food intake and exercise on SparkPeople.  Yes, even that trip to McDonald's yesterday.  I need to be honest and accountable to myself.  None of us are perfect, but each of us can strive for better. 

I'll let you all in on a little secret: I have a king size almond Snickers bar in my drawer.  I want to eat it, but I haven't because I don't want to enter it.  Silly piece of motivation, but it's working. 

Today is the last day of Christmas vacation for our children.  Ok, so technically it's winter vacation.  Also technically today is a teacher inservice day, so not really part of their vacation, but anyway...  We've had a good time together as a family.  Yes, the kids have their squabbles.  Don't we all?  Overall they're a fun group of kids to be around and I'm a little sad that tomorrow we're back to the school routine. 

You probably would like to know my resolutions/goals for 2011.  Here it goes:
  1. Keep track of my diet and exercise to keep my glucose levels under control
  2. Get myself as organized as everyone thinks I am (or at least closer)
  3. Enjoy the time I have with my family and make it special
May God bless you during your time of renewal!

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