Mira is home! She's on strict cage rest for 4-6 weeks, weaning her off the prednisone over the next 2-3 weeks. She's now wearing a harness to avoid tugging on her neck from the leash when we take her out of the crate. As she feels better, she'll probably start pulling on the leash more.
We are allowed to take her out for quiet family time - evenings on the back deck, watching television, etc. If the kids start upping their activity level or Mira starts to get antsy, back in the crate she'll go.
It will be a while before she's back to playing soccer with the kids. Hubby and I have decided that it won't be anymore this year. She may surprise us and get the all-clear from the vet much sooner, but we'd rather prepare ourselves for longer than be disappointed. In the mean time, we're keeping her quiet in her crate. After being in the crate at the vet for a week, she's not protesting as much as I'd expect. I am trying to make sure someone is in the room with her to keep her company. Even if it's just someone reading or on the computer, it seems to help.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!
Excellent news!